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My sincere hope is that each of us can find joy in our bodies, minds, and worlds. Things can be tough at times, but beauty is there for those who seek it. Join me on my discovery of life through stories, pictures, and a slew of curious words.



[Review] Adultery by Paulo Coelho

Dear Reader, They ask what the problem is. We say that everything is fine, but it’s not … Everything is awful. Have you ever found your thoughts miring in such a dismal place? These are the musings of Linda, a well-to-do journalist, wife, and mother in Switzerland. From an outsider’s perspective, Linda appears to have it…

Who Shot Alexander Hamilton?

Dear Reader I recently saw the musical Hamilton and naturally, I’m chockablock with opinions. I had, of course, heard of Hamilton long before Lin Manuel Miranda’s brainchild exploded onto the scene in 2015 (I mean Hamilton is on the $10 bill after all). My first real introduction to Alexander Hamilton was in my eighth-grade U.S. history…

© Raven Sinclair, CuriousWordsBlog.com, 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of text material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and photos may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Raven Sinclair and CuriousWordsBlog.com Thank you!

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